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first off at once; immediately.
first-rate of the highest quality; excellent.
fish an animal that lives in water and has fins for swimming and gills for breathing. Fish are cold-blooded animals with skeletons inside their bodies. Most fish have scales on their skin. There are many kinds of fish, including salmon, goldfish, tuna, and sharks. [5 definitions]
fisherman someone who catches fish either as a sport or as a way to make a living.
fishery a business that catches or sells fish and other seafood. [2 definitions]
fishhook a metal hook with a barb and sharp tip, used to catch fish.
fishing the method, pastime, or occupation of catching or trying to catch fish.
fishing pole any long slender pole that is used in catching fish. A long line, often made of nylon, is loosely attached to the pole. This line has a hook attached to it on one end.
fishing rod a long thin pole with a line, hook, and often a reel that is used for catching fish.
fish out of water someone in a place or situation where he or she does not feel comfortable.
fishy like a fish in taste or smell. [3 definitions]
fission the splitting of the nucleus of an atom into two or more nuclei. This makes more atoms of lighter elements and gives off large amounts of energy.
fist a person's hand with the fingers curled tightly into the palm.
fit1 proper or acceptable; right. [6 definitions]
fit2 a sudden attack, outbreak, or convulsion related to an illness. [2 definitions]
fitness the degree to which someone is suitable for a job or role. [2 definitions]
five the word for the Arabic numeral 5 and the Roman numeral V. [3 definitions]
fix to make stable or steady; fasten firmly; attach. [7 definitions]
fixed firmly placed, fastened, or positioned; unmoving. [2 definitions]
fixture something fixed into place as a permanent part.
fjord a long, narrow ocean inlet that passes between high and rocky banks or steep cliffs.