flannel |
a soft material made of wool or cotton. Flannel is used for warm clothing and bed covers, among other things. |
flap |
to swing or wave back and forth with a slapping sound. [5 definitions] |
flapjack |
a flat cake made of batter and cooked in a pan; pancake. |
flare |
to begin to burn brightly (often followed by "up"). [5 definitions] |
flash |
a sudden, bright light that shines, then quickly disappears. [7 definitions] |
flashcard |
any of a set of cards that have a words, numbers, or pictures on them and that are used to quickly test a student's memory for the information on the other side of the card. |
flashlight |
a small lamp or light that is held in the hand and powered by batteries. |
flask |
a rounded bottle with a narrow neck. |
flat1 |
having a surface without areas that are lower or higher than others. A flat surface does not have bumps, hills, or dips; smooth; even. [12 definitions] |
flat2 |
a British word for a group of connected rooms on one floor used as a place to live. "Flat" usually has the same meaning as "apartment." |
flatcar |
a railroad car with a flat platform and no walls or roof. |
flatfish |
a kind of fish that lives in salt water and has a flat body with both eyes on the top side. Sole, halibut, and flounder are flatfish. |
flatten |
to make flat. |
flatter1 |
to give too much or false praise; try to please by praising. [2 definitions] |
flattery |
too much praise; praise that is often not meant. |
flat tire |
a tire that has leaked air after it gets a hole in it. |
flavor |
the particular way something tastes. [3 definitions] |
flavoring |
something added that gives a particular flavor. |
flavour |
a spelling of "flavor" used in Canada and Britain. See "flavor." |
flaw1 |
a fault or defect. [3 definitions] |
flax |
a plant with tiny blue flowers and with seeds from which an oil is pressed. [2 definitions] |