flash |
a sudden, brilliant light that vanishes almost instantly. [15 definitions] |
flashcard |
any of a set of cards bearing words, numbers, or pictures, flashed briefly before a student or class to prompt a quick response in a drill. |
flashlight |
a hand-held, usu. battery-powered lamp. |
flask |
a rounded or cone-shaped bottle with a narrow neck that sometimes widens at the top, often with a fitted top or stopper. [2 definitions] |
flat1 |
having a horizontal surface. [17 definitions] |
flat2 |
(chiefly British) a group of connected rooms forming a residence on one floor; apartment. |
flatcar |
a railroad car having a flat platform with no walls or roof. |
flatfish |
any member of an order of mainly saltwater fishes, such as the sole, halibut, or flounder, whose adult bodies are flat with both eyes on the upper side. |
flatten |
to make flat. [3 definitions] |
flatter1 |
to please with compliments. [4 definitions] |
flattery |
the act or practice of flattering. [2 definitions] |
flat tire |
a tire that has become deflated through leakage, puncture, or the like. |
flavor |
the quality perceived by the sense of taste. [4 definitions] |
flavoring |
a substance that imparts a distinct flavor. |
flavour |
a spelling of "flavor" used in Canada and Britain. See "flavor." |
flaw1 |
a defect or fault; imperfection. [5 definitions] |
flax |
any of several related plants with slender stems, bearing tiny blue flowers as well as seeds which can be eaten and from which linseed oil is pressed. [2 definitions] |
flea |
any of an order of tiny wingless insects that move by jumping, and feed by sucking the blood of warm-blooded animals. [2 definitions] |
fled |
past tense and past participle of flee. |
flee |
to escape by moving rapidly away; run away. [2 definitions] |
fleece |
the wool of a sheep or other animal, esp. the total yield of wool at one shearing. [7 definitions] |