fleshy |
having a lot of soft body tissue. [3 definitions] |
flew |
a past tense of "fly1." |
flex |
to bend again and again. [2 definitions] |
flexibility |
the capability of bending easily, or being bent easily, and not breaking. |
flexible |
easily bent without breaking. [2 definitions] |
flick |
a sharp, light snap or blow. [4 definitions] |
flicker1 |
to burn or shine in an unsteady way. [4 definitions] |
flicker2 |
a large North American woodpecker. It is mostly brown and white and has either yellow or red under its wings and tail. |
flied |
a past tense and past participle of "fly1" (used with verb sense 6). |
flier |
something or someone that flies. [2 definitions] |
flight1 |
an act of passing through air or space by flying. [4 definitions] |
flight2 |
an act or instance of fleeing. |
flight attendant |
a person who works on an airplane helping the passengers during a flight. |
flimsy |
not solid or strong; weak. |
flinch |
to draw away suddenly in pain or fear. |
fling |
to throw hard or with force. [3 definitions] |
flintlock |
a part of an old-fashioned gun no longer in use. This part makes a spark that sets the powder inside on fire. [2 definitions] |
flip1 |
to throw in such a way as to cause to turn over or spin. [6 definitions] |
flip one's lid |
(slang) to lose control of yourself. |
flip one's wig |
(slang) to lose control of yourself. |
flipper |
a wide, flat limb on a whale, turtle, or other animal that is used for swimming. [2 definitions] |