folk music |
music made up and played by the common people of a region or country. Such music is often simple, with parts that are played over and over. |
folk singer |
a singer of folk songs. |
folk song |
a piece of folk music meant for singing. |
folk tale |
a story that has been handed down for generations among the common people of a region. |
follow |
to come or go after or behind. [7 definitions] |
follower |
a person who believes in, studies, or supports the ideas of a teacher or other leader. [2 definitions] |
following |
a group of followers or supporters. [4 definitions] |
follow in the footsteps of |
to have the same job or lead the same kind of life as someone else. |
follow up |
to act further to keep something from being forgotten. |
folly |
a lack of good sense or judgment. |
fond |
having or expressing tender or loving feelings. [2 definitions] |
fondle |
to touch or stroke in a tender way. |
font1 |
an open container that holds holy water for baptism. |
font2 |
a complete set of type, all of the same size, style, or face. |
food |
anything that contains nutrients and is eaten by living creatures in order to maintain life, health, and growth. |
food chain |
a series of living beings in which each serves as food for the next. |
food for thought |
something to be thought about or pondered. |
food processor |
an electric kitchen appliance that has a container and different kinds of blades. It is used to grind, grate, chop, slice, or otherwise prepare food. |
food web |
the interlocking food chains within an ecological community. |
fool |
a person who does not have good sense or judgment. [6 definitions] |
foolish |
not having good sense; silly. |