foothill |
a lower hill near the base of a mountain or group of mountains. |
footing |
a firm base on which one can stand, build, or grow. [3 definitions] |
footnote |
a note at the bottom of a page or the end of a chapter that explains a part of the main text. |
footprint |
a mark pressed by a foot onto a surface, such as a step in wet sand or a print left by a muddy shoe. |
footstep |
a single step with the foot, or the sound it makes. [2 definitions] |
footstool |
a low stool on which to rest the feet while seated. |
for |
used to show the purpose or aim of an action. [12 definitions] |
forage |
food for animals such as horses or cattle. [3 definitions] |
forbade |
a past tense of "forbid." |
forbid |
to give orders that prevent or prohibit. |
forbidden |
prohibited; not allowed to be entered, touched, eaten, or the like. [2 definitions] |
force |
power, energy, or physical strength. [6 definitions] |
forceful |
having power, force, or effectiveness. |
forceps |
a tool, shaped like a pair of tongs or tweezers, used to grasp and pull. Dentists and medical doctors use forceps. |
for certain |
without question; definitely. |
ford |
a shallow place in a river or other body of water that can be crossed without a boat or raft. [2 definitions] |
fore- |
a prefix that means "before" or "coming before." [2 definitions] |
forearm1 |
the lower arm in humans, between the elbow and wrist. |
forecast |
to state as likely to happen; predict. [2 definitions] |
forefather |
a male ancestor. |
forefinger |
the finger next to the thumb; index finger. |