forsook |
past tense of "forsake." |
forsythia |
a bush that has bright yellow flowers along its long, thin branches. Forsythias bloom in early spring. |
fort |
a strong building used during battles for protection and defense. |
forth |
forward; onward in time or location. [2 definitions] |
for the most part |
to a large degree; usually. |
for the present |
at least at this moment, though perhaps not afterwards. |
fortieth |
coming next after the thirty-ninth in a series. [3 definitions] |
fortification |
the act of adding strength or fortifying. [2 definitions] |
fortify |
to give more strength, resistance, or energy to; reinforce. |
fortress |
a large, fortified building or area, often around a town or settlement. |
fortunate |
having good fortune; lucky; blessed. [2 definitions] |
fortunately |
by lucky chance; luckily. |
fortune |
a large amount of money or wealth. [3 definitions] |
fortuneteller |
a person who claims to have the ability to see and tell about events that will happen in the future. |
forty |
the word for the Arabic numeral 40 and the Roman numeral XL. [3 definitions] |
forum |
the central place in ancient Roman cities where people gathered for business and public meetings. [2 definitions] |
forward |
toward a place or time that is further on; ahead. [7 definitions] |
fossil |
the remains or trace of a living animal or plant from a long time ago. Fossils are found embedded in earth or rock. |
fossil fuel |
any carbon-containing fuel formed from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels. |
foster |
to aid and encourage the growth or development of. [2 definitions] |
fought |
past tense and past participle of "fight." |