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foregone having been decided ahead of time; certain.
foreground the part of a picture or view that appears to be nearest to the person looking at it.
forehead the part of the human face above the eyes and below the hair; brow. [2 definitions]
foreign in, from, or having to do with a country that is not one's own. [2 definitions]
foreigner a person who is born in or is from a foreign country.
foreleg one of the two front legs of an animal that has four or more legs.
foreman the leader of a group of workers in a factory, shop, or other workplace. [2 definitions]
foremost first or most important; leading. [2 definitions]
forerunner a person or thing that came before another; ancestor; predecessor. [2 definitions]
foresaw past tense of "foresee."
foresee to see in advance as likely to happen; predict.
foreseen past participle of "foresee."
foresight concern and planning for future needs and events; prudence.
forest a large area of land covered with many trees and other plants.
foretell to tell of as likely or certain to happen; forecast; predict.
foretold past tense and past participle of "foretell."
forever for all time; eternally. [2 definitions]
foreword a statement at the beginning of a written text, such as a book; introduction or preface.
for example as an example or examples.
forfeit something demanded or given up as a penalty for not acting as required by law, contract, or rules. [3 definitions]
forgave the past tense of "forgive."