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forgiven past participle of forgive.
forgiveness the act of forgiving. [3 definitions]
for good forever; permanently.
forgot past tense and a past participle of forget.
forgotten a past participle of forget.
for hire available for service or use in return for a fee.
for instance as an example; for example.
fork an implement with two or more prongs or tines, used to spear, dig, lift, or carry, esp. the one used for eating. [6 definitions]
fork out (informal) to hand over, with some degree of reluctance.
fork over (informal) to give or pay, with some degree of reluctance.
fork up (informal) to hand over, with some degree of reluctance.
form structure or shape, as opposed to substance. [16 definitions]
formal adhering to regulations or an officially recognized manner of operating; proper, legal, or official. [9 definitions]
formation the act of forming or the state of being formed. [4 definitions]
former1 occurring in or pertaining to the past; previous. [4 definitions]
formerly in the past; in a preceding time.
formula a rule or procedure expressed in a standard way in words or symbols. [6 definitions]
for real (informal) real or really; actual or actually.
for rent available for occupancy in exchange for payment.
forsake to abandon or desert. [2 definitions]
forsaken past participle of forsake. [2 definitions]