fracture |
a break or crack. [3 definitions] |
fragile |
easily broken; delicate. |
fragment |
a broken-off or incomplete part. |
fragrance |
a pleasant smell. |
fragrant |
having a pleasant smell. |
frail1 |
weak or sickly. [2 definitions] |
frame |
a structure made of parts that are joined together and that supports a larger object. [5 definitions] |
framework |
a structure that supports something built on or around it. [2 definitions] |
franc |
the main unit of money of France, Belgium, and several other countries. |
France |
a country in western Europe. Paris is the capital of France. |
frank1 |
honest, direct, and open. |
frank2 |
(informal) frankfurter; hot dog. |
frankfurter |
a thin, smoked sausage that is usually made from beef or a mixture of beef and pork. |
frantic |
very excited by worry or fear; frenzied. |
fraud |
the use of lies or tricks to cheat for one's own advantage, often in a way that is against the law. [2 definitions] |
fray2 |
to wear or rub thin. [2 definitions] |
freak1 |
a person or animal that is very different from what is considered normal, or that has a surprising defect. [3 definitions] |
freckle |
a light brown dot or mark in the skin, often brought out by exposure to sunlight. |
free |
not held back or confined; not enslaved and not in prison. [10 definitions] |
freedom |
the condition of being free or freed; liberty. [3 definitions] |
free-fall |
the first stage of a parachute jump, before the parachute opens. |