friend |
one closely attached to another by affection and esteem. [5 definitions] |
friendly |
sociable and lacking hostility. [5 definitions] |
friendship |
the state or condition of being friends. [2 definitions] |
fright |
sudden or intense fear caused by immediate or unexpected danger. [2 definitions] |
frighten |
to make fearful or terrified. [2 definitions] |
frightened |
seized with fear. [2 definitions] |
frightening |
causing or capable of causing fright or anxiety; scary; fearsome. |
frightful |
terrible or frightening. [2 definitions] |
frigid |
extremely cold; freezing. [2 definitions] |
fringe |
an ornamental edging of hanging threads, yarn, strips of leather or the like, as on clothing or drapes. [5 definitions] |
Frisbee |
trademark for a thin, saucer-shaped plastic disc that is thrown and sails through the air in simple outdoor games. |
frisk |
to leap or skip in a lively and happy manner; frolic (often fol. by "about"). [3 definitions] |
frivolous |
unworthy of serious consideration or merit; trivial or silly. [2 definitions] |
frog1 |
any of several amphibians without tails but with long hind legs adapted for jumping, esp. those with a smooth, moist skin and webbed feet, that live in marshy or watery habitats. [3 definitions] |
frogman |
a swimmer equipped to work underwater, esp. one engaged in demolition of enemy ships in wartime. |
frolic |
merriment or fun. [3 definitions] |
from |
used to indicate a starting point in place or time. [5 definitions] |
from A to Z |
from beginning to end; completely; thoroughly. |
from scratch |
from the very beginning. [2 definitions] |
frond |
a long, finely divided leaf, as of a fern or certain palms. |
front |
the most forward part or side of something, such as a building. [13 definitions] |