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fudge1 a soft, dense candy or frosting made by cooking sugar with other ingredients, such as butter, chocolate, milk, nuts, and flavorings.
fuel anything that is consumed as a source of energy, such as gasoline or plutonium. [5 definitions]
fugitive someone who is escaping or running away, as from the police, persecution, responsibilities, or the like. [5 definitions]
-ful full of; characterized by. [5 definitions]
fulcrum the point of support on which a lever turns. [2 definitions]
fulfill to effect or bring to realization or completion. [4 definitions]
full1 unable to hold or contain any more. [8 definitions]
full moon the moon when it is on the side of the earth opposite the sun, and visible as a bright full circle. [2 definitions]
full of beans (informal) vigorous or energetic; active. [2 definitions]
fully thoroughly or completely; totally. [2 definitions]
fumble to grope about awkwardly, nervously, or clumsily. [6 definitions]
fume (often pl.) a vapor, smoke, odor, or the like, esp. one that is disagreeable or unhealthful. [6 definitions]
fun something that gives amusement, pleasure, or enjoyment. [2 definitions]
function the purpose or role that an object or person fulfills or is suited for, or a typical action or activity carried out in fulfillment of a role. [5 definitions]
functional of or relating to a function or functions. [3 definitions]
fund a supply of money or other resources that is collected and held for a particular purpose. [5 definitions]
fundamental serving as a foundation; basic; central. [4 definitions]
fundamentally in central or important ways.
funding the act or process of collecting and supplying money needed for a particular purpose or group, or the money that is supplied.
funeral a ceremony for a dead person, sometimes including burial or cremation. [2 definitions]
fungi a plural form of fungus.