fungus |
one of a large group of living things that appear similar to plants but cannot make their own food using sunlight in the way plants do. Fungi consume plant, animal, and other living matter. Mushrooms, yeasts, and molds are fungi. Fungi help decompose dead plants and animals. |
funnel |
a tool shaped like a cone with a narrow tube at the small end. Funnels are used for pouring something into a small opening. [2 definitions] |
funny |
causing laughter or amusement. [2 definitions] |
fur |
the soft thick hair that covers the bodies of certain animals such as the mink, cat, or fox. [3 definitions] |
furious |
full of anger; wild with fury. [2 definitions] |
furlough |
a vacation for a person in the military. |
furnace |
anything in which heat is made for a specific purpose by burning fuel. A furnace can be used to heat a building or to melt metal. |
furnish |
to supply with furniture. [2 definitions] |
furniture |
movable objects such as chairs, tables, and beds used to make a room fit for living in. |
furrow |
a long narrow ditch made in the ground for planting seeds. [3 definitions] |
furry |
having a coat of fur. [2 definitions] |
further |
at or to a greater distance or extent; farther. "Further" is a comparative form of the adverb "far." [4 definitions] |
furthermore |
besides; in addition; moreover. |
furthest |
to or at the greatest point or extent. "Furthest" is a superlative form of the adjective "far." [2 definitions] |
fury |
very wild anger; rage; frenzy. [2 definitions] |
fuse1 |
any device used to set off an explosion. |
fuse2 |
to cause to become liquid by using heat; melt. [4 definitions] |
fuselage |
the body of an airplane. The engines, wings, and tail are attached to the fuselage. The passengers, cargo, and crew ride in the fuselage. |
fusion |
the act of fusing or joining together. [4 definitions] |
fuss |
activity or attention that is not necessary. [3 definitions] |
future |
time that is yet to come. [3 definitions] |