garbage |
anything that is or ought to be discarded as worthless, esp. spoiled or unwanted food; rubbish. [3 definitions] |
garbage can |
a large, usu. cylindrical container for household rubbish. |
garden |
an area of land used for cultivating plants such as flowers, vegetables, or herbs. [6 definitions] |
gardener |
a person whose occupation is caring for outdoor plants, lawns, and the like. [2 definitions] |
gardenia |
any of a number of shrubs or trees native to Asia, usu. grown for their large, pleasant-smelling white or yellow flowers. [2 definitions] |
gargle |
to tip the head back and exhale through a liquid held at the back of the throat, as with a medication or mouthwash. [7 definitions] |
gargoyle |
a macabre or grotesque sculpture of an animal or person, often carved as an architectural ornament. [2 definitions] |
garland |
a wreath, chain, or string made to be worn for celebration or decoration, esp. one made of flowers, leaves, vines, or the like. [3 definitions] |
garlic |
a perennial plant related to the onion and grown for its strong-smelling, distinctive-tasting bulb. [3 definitions] |
garment |
any piece of clothing. [2 definitions] |
garnet |
any of several fairly common, hard silicate minerals that occur in various colors and are sometimes used as abrasives and gems. [2 definitions] |
garnish |
to add a decoration or decorations to; adorn. [5 definitions] |
garrison |
a military force that is assigned to a fort, village, or the like. [4 definitions] |
garter |
a circular elastic band used to hold up a stocking or shirt sleeve. [3 definitions] |
garter snake |
any of numerous small harmless striped snakes common in North America. |
gas |
matter that is neither liquid nor solid and expands or contracts rapidly and uniformly with temperature changes. [14 definitions] |
gaseous |
in the form of or resembling a gas. [2 definitions] |
gas mask |
a device worn over the face that has a built-in chemical air filter to protect the wearer from inhaling poisonous gases or noxious fumes. |
gasoline |
a volatile, flammable liquid of hydrocarbons, derived from petroleum and used primarily as fuel for internal-combustion engines. |
gasp |
a sudden, brief, convulsive taking in of air through the mouth, as in shock or a condition of breathlessness. [3 definitions] |
gas station |
a place where gas, oil, and other supplies for running a car can be bought; filling station; service station. |