gas mask |
a mask worn on the face to protect from dangerous gases or fumes. |
gasoline |
a liquid that burns, used mainly as fuel for engines. Gasoline is made from petroleum. |
gasp |
a sudden, brief taking in of air through the mouth, because of surprise or difficulty breathing. [3 definitions] |
gas station |
a place where gas, oil, and other supplies for running a car can be bought; filling station; service station. |
gate |
a part of a fence or wall that swings to open and close. [2 definitions] |
gateway |
an opening that may be closed with a gate. [2 definitions] |
gather |
to bring together into one place or collection. [5 definitions] |
gathering |
a meeting. [2 definitions] |
gaudy |
decorated with too much bright color or pattern; showy. |
gauge |
to make an estimate of; judge. [6 definitions] |
gaunt |
very thin and bony. |
gauze |
a thin cloth that one can see through or other material with a loose or open weave. [2 definitions] |
gave |
past tense of "give." |
gavel |
a small wooden hammer. It is used by a judge or someone in charge of a meeting or auction to get attention, call for order, or signal a sale. |
gay |
of or in a happy mood; merry. [2 definitions] |
Gaza Strip |
a coastal region along the eastern Mediterranean Sea that was taken over by Israel in 1967. |
gaze |
to look steadily. [2 definitions] |
gazelle |
a kind of antelope found in Africa and Asia. Gazelles are mammals with hooves and long legs. They are graceful runners. Their horns are slightly curved and have dark rings. |
gear |
a part of a machine that causes another part to move because of teeth which connect the two moving parts. [4 definitions] |
gearshift |
a lever used to change gears in a car, truck, or other motor vehicle. |
gear stick |
the British word for the lever used to change gears in a car, truck, or other motor vehicle. "Gear stick" has the same meaning as "gearshift." |