gateway |
an opening or passageway that may be closed by means of a gate. [2 definitions] |
gather |
to bring together into one place or assembly. [12 definitions] |
gathering |
anything that is gathered or collected. [4 definitions] |
gaudy |
tastelessly or excessively ornamented or colored; flashy; garish. |
gauge |
to make an estimate of or a judgment concerning; judge. [7 definitions] |
gaunt |
exceptionally thin and bony. [2 definitions] |
gauze |
a thin, nearly transparent cloth or other material with a loose or open weave. [2 definitions] |
gave |
past tense of give. |
gavel |
a small hammer, usu. wooden, used by a judge or someone presiding over a meeting or auction to get attention, call for order, or signal a sale. |
gay |
of or in a happy, joyous mood; festive; merry. [4 definitions] |
Gaza Strip |
a disputed area on the east coast of the Mediterranean that was occupied by Israel in 1967. |
gaze |
to look intently. [2 definitions] |
gazelle |
any of several graceful African and Asian antelopes with ringed, slightly curved horns. |
gear |
a mechanical part that transmits, and may change, motion from another part by means of interlocking teeth on the two moving parts. [8 definitions] |
gearshift |
a lever used to change the arrangement of gears, esp. in an automobile transmission. |
gear stick |
(chiefly British) a lever used to change the arrangement of gears, esp. in an automobile transmission; gearshift. |
gear up |
to make preparations; get ready for. |
gecko |
any of various small, soft-skinned, insect-eating lizards that have a short body, large head, and suction pads on the feet and are found in tropical and subtropical regions. |
geese |
pl. of goose. |
Geiger counter |
an instrument that detects radiation by means of a gas that ionizes when in the presence of radioactive emanations, and that also measures it by a device that counts the electrical pulses emitted by the ionized gas. |
gel |
a non-separating chemical mixture that resembles jelly. (See colloid.) [3 definitions] |