geothermal |
of or concerning the heat produced internally by the earth. |
geranium |
any of various garden plants that have roundish divided leaves and bear showy clusters of red, pink, or white blossoms. |
gerbil |
any of a variety of small African and Asian burrowing rodents often kept as pets. |
germ |
a microscopic organism, esp. a bacterium or virus that causes illness; pathogen. [3 definitions] |
German |
of or pertaining to Germany or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions] |
Germanic |
of or pertaining to the Teutons; Teutonic. [3 definitions] |
German shepherd |
one of a breed of large dogs having a thick brownish or black coat, often used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for the blind; Alsatian. |
Germany |
a central European country, reunited in 1990, bordered by the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Poland. |
germinate |
to start or cause to start a process of growth or development; sprout. |
gesture |
a movement of one's body, limbs, or face that expresses emotion or feeling or reinforces speech. [4 definitions] |
get |
to gain; obtain; acquire. [17 definitions] |
get across |
to make (a point or idea) clearly understood to a listener or reader. [2 definitions] |
get along |
to survive or manage. [2 definitions] |
getaway |
an escape, esp. from the police. [5 definitions] |
get away with |
to avoid being caught or punished for doing something wrong. |
get even |
to exact revenge; retaliate (often fol. by "with"). |
get in |
to manage to go in; enter. [3 definitions] |
get one's act together |
(informal) to behave more responsibly. |
get out |
to leave or be allowed to leave. [3 definitions] |
get over |
to recover from (something). |
get rid of |
to discard, remove, or make disappear (esp. something that is bad or considered to have no value). |