gesture |
a movement of one's body or face that expresses a feeling or gives support to what one is saying. [3 definitions] |
get |
to receive; come to have; gain; acquire. [10 definitions] |
get across |
to make or become clear; to explain or to become understood. |
get along |
to survive or manage. [2 definitions] |
getaway |
an escape, especially from the police. |
get away with |
to avoid being caught or punished for doing something. |
get even |
to pay another back for harm or mischief done; get revenge. |
get in |
to go in; enter. [2 definitions] |
get one's act together |
(informal) to behave more responsibly. |
get out |
to leave or be let out (often followed by of). [2 definitions] |
get over |
to recover from. |
get rid of |
to remove, throw away, or give away something that is not wanted or needed. |
get the show on the road |
(slang) to begin; get started. |
get to first base |
to complete the first step towards reaching a goal; begin to succeed. |
get up |
to stand up. [2 definitions] |
get up on the wrong side of the bed |
to be in a bad mood from early in the day. |
get wind of |
to receive hints of or information about. |
geyser |
a spring that shoots a stream of hot water, steam, or mud into the air from time to time. |
Ghana |
a country in western Africa on the Atlantic coast. Accra is the capital of Ghana. |
ghastly |
causing great fear or terror. [2 definitions] |
ghetto |
a part of a town or city in which people of a particular race or religion are forced by law to live. [2 definitions] |