gigantic |
like a giant; huge. |
giggle |
to laugh in a silly or nervous way. [2 definitions] |
Gila monster |
a large, venomous reptile that lives in the southwestern part of the United States and in Mexico. This lizard has a short tail and scales in patterns of black with orange, yellow, or pink. |
gild |
to cover or coat with gold. |
gill1 |
the organ used for breathing by fish and other animals that live in water. |
gilt1 |
a past tense and past participle of "gild." [3 definitions] |
gimmick |
a clever device or idea whose only purpose is to get a customer's attention. |
gin1 |
an alcoholic drink made from grain flavored with juniper berries. |
gin2 |
a machine for removing the seeds from raw cotton; cotton gin. |
ginger |
the root of a tropical plant, used as a spice to flavor food. [2 definitions] |
gingerbread |
a type of cake or cookie flavored with ginger and molasses. |
gingham |
a strong cotton cloth that often has a pattern, such as checks or stripes. |
giraffe |
a mammal with a very long neck, long legs, and hooves. Giraffes have short horns covered with fur. They live in Africa and eat the tops of trees. Male giraffes can be up to eighteen feet tall. They are the tallest animal that lives on land. |
girder |
a heavy beam made of steel or wood used to support the floor or framework of a bridge or building. |
girl |
a female child or teenager. [2 definitions] |
girlfriend |
a favorite female friend that one feels attraction or love for. [2 definitions] |
girlhood |
the state or time of being a girl. |
Girl Scout |
a member of a U.S. youth organization for girls called the Girl Scouts. |
girth |
the length around something. |
give |
to present. [7 definitions] |
give away |
to give for free instead of selling; give as a gift. [2 definitions] |