giggle |
to laugh in a lighthearted, silly, or nervous way with short, convulsive sounds. [2 definitions] |
Gila monster |
a large poisonous lizard of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, with a stubby tail and scaly rings of black and orange, yellow, or pink covering its skin. |
gild |
to cover or coat with gold. [2 definitions] |
gill1 |
the breathing organ of fish and other animals that live in water, consisting of a platelike, saclike, or feathery protrusion. [5 definitions] |
gilt1 |
a past tense and past participle of gild. [4 definitions] |
gimmick |
a novel feature or offer with little purpose other than to attract people to a product. [3 definitions] |
gin1 |
an alcoholic liquor made from grain distilled with juniper berries. [2 definitions] |
gin2 |
a machine designed to remove the seeds from raw cotton; cotton gin. [2 definitions] |
ginger |
the spicy root of an originally Asian plant, often used as a spice or flavoring in cooking. [3 definitions] |
gingerbread |
a type of cake or cookie flavored with ginger and sweetened with molasses. [3 definitions] |
gingham |
a cotton cloth made from dyed yarn and often having a pattern, such as checks or stripes. |
giraffe |
a spotted, cud-chewing, four-footed African mammal with exceptionally long legs and neck. |
girder |
a heavy beam, usu. made of steel or wood, that serves as a horizontal support in a bridge or building. |
girl |
a female child or adolescent. [3 definitions] |
girlfriend |
(informal) a female with whom one has a romantic relationship. [2 definitions] |
girlhood |
the state or period of being a girl. |
Girl Scout |
a member of a U.S. youth organization for girls. |
girth |
the length around something, esp. the waist or abdomen; circumference. [4 definitions] |
give |
to bestow or present. [13 definitions] |
give away |
to surrender possession of (something) or give as a gift. [4 definitions] |
give birth |
(of a female human or animal) to deliver offspring into the world. |