giraffe |
a spotted, cud-chewing, four-footed African mammal with exceptionally long legs and neck. |
girder |
a heavy beam, usu. made of steel or wood, that serves as a horizontal support in a bridge or building. |
girl |
a female child or adolescent. [3 definitions] |
girlfriend |
(informal) a female with whom one has a romantic relationship. [2 definitions] |
girlhood |
the state or period of being a girl. |
Girl Scout |
a member of a U.S. youth organization for girls. |
girth |
the length around something, esp. the waist or abdomen; circumference. [4 definitions] |
give |
to bestow or present. [13 definitions] |
give away |
to surrender possession of (something) or give as a gift. [4 definitions] |
give birth |
(of a female human or animal) to deliver offspring into the world. |
given |
past participle of give. [6 definitions] |
give someone the slip |
to elude; escape. |
give up |
to stop (an activity), often reluctantly. [4 definitions] |
give way |
to withdraw. [3 definitions] |
glacier |
a very large accumulation of ice formed in cold regions from compacted snow and moving very slowly outward or downward on a slope. |
glad |
happy or delighted, often with a sense of relief or fulfilled hope; pleased. [3 definitions] |
gladiator |
a man in ancient Rome who fought, often to the death and usu. under compulsion, for the amusement of an audience. [3 definitions] |
gladiolus |
any of numerous plants of the iris family that have colorful flowers growing on long, erect stems, or a flower or a stem of flowers from such a plant. |
glamour |
a quality of excitement, desirability, and compelling attractiveness in one's appearance or manner. |
glance |
to look quickly. [6 definitions] |
gland |
any of various organs or cells that produce secretions in a living organism. [2 definitions] |