gladiator |
a man in ancient Rome who fought other men or animals, often to the death, to entertain an audience. |
gladiolus |
a garden plant that has long leaves and colorful flowers growing on tall stems. It is a member of the iris family. |
glamour |
the quality of being exciting, charming, and very attractive. |
glance |
to take a quick look. [3 definitions] |
gland |
a group of cells or an organ that produces fluids that are released into the body or pass out of the body. |
glare1 |
a light so strong and bright that it hurts the eyes or makes seeing difficult. [4 definitions] |
glaring |
extremely bright. [3 definitions] |
glass |
a hard, clear material that breaks easily. Glass is used to make windows, bottles, mirrors, and the like. [3 definitions] |
glasses |
a short form of "eyeglasses." |
glaze |
to give a shiny coating to during cooking or baking. [3 definitions] |
gleam |
a small or brief flash or beam of light. [3 definitions] |
glee |
a feeling of delight or joy. |
glen |
a small, narrow valley. |
glide |
to move smoothly and without effort. [2 definitions] |
glider |
a light aircraft without a motor that flies on air currents. |
glimmer |
a dim or unsteady light; flicker. [3 definitions] |
glimpse |
a quick look. [2 definitions] |
glint |
a brief flash or flicker of reflected light. [3 definitions] |
glisten |
to shine or sparkle with reflected light. |
glitch |
(informal) a small problem or defect. |
glitter |
to shine brightly; sparkle. [3 definitions] |