gleam |
a slight, sudden, or brief flash or beam of light; glint. [5 definitions] |
glee |
a feeling of delight, joy, or gaiety. [2 definitions] |
glen |
a narrow secluded valley, esp. between mountains. |
glide |
to move in a smooth and seemingly effortless manner. [9 definitions] |
glider |
someone or something that glides. [3 definitions] |
glimmer |
a slight, dim, or unsteady light; flicker; gleam. [4 definitions] |
glimpse |
a quick look; momentary or partial view. [4 definitions] |
glint |
a brief flash or flicker of reflected light, as from a mirror or smooth metal surface. [4 definitions] |
glisten |
to shine with reflected light, sometimes sparkling and sometimes softly lustrous. [2 definitions] |
glitch |
(informal) a minor problem, mishap, malfunction, or defect, as in a machine or plan. [2 definitions] |
glitter |
to shine brightly, with sparkling or lustrous reflected light. [6 definitions] |
gloat |
to feel or express pleasure, pride, or satisfaction, often at someone else's expense. [2 definitions] |
global |
having to do with the whole earth; worldwide; universal. [3 definitions] |
global warming |
an increase in global temperatures believed to be caused in part by the greenhouse effect. |
globe |
the earth (usu. prec. by "the"). [6 definitions] |
glockenspiel |
a percussion instrument composed of a set of graduated metal bars, mounted in a lyre-shaped frame, that are struck with hammers. |
gloom |
lack of light; darkness or dimness. [5 definitions] |
gloomy |
dim or dark; dreary or dismal. [3 definitions] |
glorify |
to give great praise, honor, or glory to, esp. in worship; exalt; extol. [3 definitions] |
glory |
great honor, distinction, praise, or renown. [8 definitions] |
gloss1 |
a shine or sheen on a surface; luster. [4 definitions] |