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goodbye used to signify or acknowledge a departure or the end of a telephone call. [2 definitions]
Good Friday the Friday before Easter Sunday, commemorated by Christians for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
good-hearted having a kind, considerate, and generous nature.
good-looking attractive or pleasing in appearance; beautiful or handsome.
good-natured having or showing a pleasant, cheerful, easygoing, or friendly character or mood.
goodness the quality or condition of being good. [3 definitions]
good night used as an expression of farewell at night.
goods movable property; possessions. [2 definitions]
good will an attitude of friendliness or kindness; benevolence. [3 definitions]
goose a wild or domesticated water bird that resembles a duck but is usu. larger and has a longer neck and legs and a more pointed bill. [4 definitions]
goose bump roughness of the skin that looks like the skin of a plucked goose. Goose bumps last only for a short while and are caused by cold or fear.
goose flesh a temporary, roughened condition of the skin in which the papillae become erect as a result of fear, surprise, cold, or the like; goose bumps; goose pimples.
goose pimple a small bump on the skin caused by cold or fear.
go overboard to do far too much out of excessive enthusiasm or anxiety; go to extremes.
gopher a short-tailed burrowing rodent of North and Central America that has external cheek pouches; pocket gopher. [2 definitions]
gorge a narrow space between rocky cliffs, usu. with a stream at the bottom; ravine. [6 definitions]
gorgeous exceptionally beautiful; splendid.
gorilla the largest of all apes, native to Africa and a plant-eater that lives on the ground. [3 definitions]
gosling a very young goose. [2 definitions]
gospel (often cap.) the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles. [6 definitions]
gossip talk, rumor, or speculation about other people, esp. about their personal affairs. [4 definitions]