gosling |
a very young goose. [2 definitions] |
gospel |
(often cap.) the teachings of Jesus Christ and his apostles. [6 definitions] |
gossip |
talk, rumor, or speculation about other people, esp. about their personal affairs. [4 definitions] |
got |
past tense and a past participle of get. |
gotten |
a past participle of get. |
gouge |
a type of chisel with a blade shaped like a scoop, used primarily on wood. [7 definitions] |
gourd |
the fruit of any of a number of plants related to the squash, esp. the dried and decorative shells of some varieties. [3 definitions] |
gourmet |
someone who appreciates and is knowledgeable about well-prepared food, fine wines, and the like. [2 definitions] |
Gov. |
abbreviation of "Governor," one who governs a political unit, esp. a U.S. state. [2 definitions] |
govern |
to rule over or in by political or sovereign authority. [5 definitions] |
government |
the direction and control exercised politically over people living in a community, state, or nation. [4 definitions] |
governor |
one who governs a political unit, esp. a U.S. state. [2 definitions] |
govt. |
abbreviation of "government." |
go whole hog |
(informal) to do something as completely as possible, without holding back. |
gown |
a dress, esp. one worn on formal occasions. [4 definitions] |
grab |
to take hold of suddenly, forcefully, or roughly. [7 definitions] |
grace |
beauty, harmony, or charm in bearing, appearance, or motion. [10 definitions] |
graceful |
marked by grace or beauty of movement, manner, or behavior. |
gracious |
inclined to do what is polite, kind, right, or considerate. [5 definitions] |
grackle |
any of a number of North American blackbirds with long tails and shiny black feathers. [2 definitions] |
grade |
a level, degree, or rank in a scale. [9 definitions] |