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granite a coarse-grained igneous rock usu. composed of silica-rich minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and small amounts of mica or amphibole, commonly used for building, sculpture, and the like. [2 definitions]
granola a dry, often baked mixture of grains, raisins, nuts, honey, and the like, eaten as a snack or breakfast cereal.
grant to present or bestow, esp. what is requested or desired. [6 definitions]
grape a smooth-skinned, juicy, berrylike fruit, either green, red, or purple, that grows in clusters on woody vines, and that is crushed and fermented to make wine. [3 definitions]
grapefruit a large, juicy citrus fruit having a yellow rind and tart yellow or pink pulp. [2 definitions]
grapevine a grape-bearing vine. [2 definitions]
-graph something drawn or written. [2 definitions]
graph a diagram that expresses a relationship between two or more variable quantities or factors by lines, bars, dots, or the like. [5 definitions]
graphic of or related to pictorial or typographical representations such as photography, painting, and printing. [7 definitions]
graphics (used with a sing. verb) the art of making mathematically accurate drawings, esp. in engineering. [3 definitions]
graphite a soft black or gray form of carbon, used in lead pencils, dry lubricants, and many other industrial products.
grasp to take hold of with or as with a hand. [9 definitions]
grass a green plant with narrow flat leaves and jointed stems, often covering lawns and meadows. [7 definitions]
grasshopper any of numerous plant-eating insects with long hind legs adapted for jumping.
grassland a large tract of land mainly covered by perennial grasses and having few trees or shrubs.
grassy covered with grass. [2 definitions]
grate1 a framework of crossed or parallel bars that serves as a covering, guard, or the like. [4 definitions]
grate2 to make a sharp rasping noise, as of scraping. [5 definitions]
grateful feeling or showing appreciation for kindnesses or benefits; thankful. [2 definitions]
gratify to give pleasure or satisfaction to (someone). [2 definitions]
grating1 a framework of crossed or parallel bars that covers an opening; grate.