grasshopper |
an insect with long, powerful hind legs for jumping and two pairs of wings. Grasshoppers eat plants. |
grassland |
a large area of land covered by grass. |
grassy |
covered with grass. |
grate1 |
a frame of crossed or parallel metal bars used as a covering or guard over an opening. [2 definitions] |
grate2 |
to make a sharp grinding noise. [4 definitions] |
grateful |
feeling thankful or showing thanks for kindness or something pleasing. |
gratify |
to please; satisfy. |
grating1 |
a frame of bars that covers an opening; grate. |
gratitude |
the feeling of being thankful; gratefulness. |
grave1 |
a hole dug in the ground where a dead body is buried. |
grave2 |
very serious or important; causing deep concern. [3 definitions] |
gravel |
a loose mixture of small stones, pebbles, and sometimes sand. |
gravestone |
a stone placed as a marker at a person's grave. |
graveyard |
an area of ground where dead people are buried; cemetery. |
gravitation |
the force that pulls planets, stars, or particles toward one another. |
gravity |
the force by which all objects in the universe are attracted to each other. [2 definitions] |
gravy |
a sauce made from the juice that drips from cooking meat. |
gray |
the color of the sky before it rains; the color between black and white. [4 definitions] |
graze1 |
to feed on growing grass. [2 definitions] |
graze2 |
to touch or brush lightly in passing. [4 definitions] |
grease |
melted or soft animal fat. [4 definitions] |