gray |
the color of an overcast sky; an achromatic color between black and white. [8 definitions] |
graze1 |
to feed on growing grass and herbage, as cattle and horses. [4 definitions] |
graze2 |
to touch or brush lightly in passing. [5 definitions] |
grease |
a semisolid oily substance, often used as a lubricant. [4 definitions] |
greasy |
covered with grease, as clothes or machine parts. [3 definitions] |
great |
very large in size or number. [8 definitions] |
great- |
one generation away. |
Great Britain |
the main island of the United Kingdom, off the coast of France, occupied by England, Scotland, and Wales, and including some adjacent islands. (Cf. United Kingdom.) [2 definitions] |
Great Dane |
any of a breed of very large muscular short-haired dogs that have pointed ears and a square muzzle. |
great-grandchild |
a child of one's grandson or granddaughter. |
great-grandfather |
the grandfather of a person's mother or father. |
great-grandmother |
the grandmother of a person's mother or father. |
great-grandparent |
a parent of one's grandmother or grandfather. |
Great Lakes |
a group five large interconnected freshwater lakes on the border between the United States and Canada. The Great Lakes include Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario. [2 definitions] |
greatly |
very much. [2 definitions] |
Great Sandy Desert |
a desert region in northwestern Australia. |
Great Victoria Desert |
a desert region in southwestern Australia. |
Greece |
a Balkan country on the Mediterranean between the Aegean and Adriatic Seas. |
greed |
extreme desire for wealth, possessions, or the like, beyond what one needs or deserves; avarice. |
greedy |
extremely desirous of wealth or possessions without regard to the desires of others. [3 definitions] |
Greek |
of or pertaining to Greece or its people, culture, language, or the like. [6 definitions] |