gray |
the color of the sky before it rains; the color between black and white. [4 definitions] |
graze1 |
to feed on growing grass. [2 definitions] |
graze2 |
to touch or brush lightly in passing. [4 definitions] |
grease |
melted or soft animal fat. [4 definitions] |
greasy |
covered with grease. [3 definitions] |
great |
very large in size or number. [6 definitions] |
great- |
a prefix that means "one generation away." |
Great Britain |
the main island of the United Kingdom. Great Britain is located off the coast of France and includes England, Scotland, and Wales. |
Great Dane |
a breed of dog. Great Danes are very large, powerful dogs with short hair, long legs, and a square muzzle. |
great-grandchild |
a child of one's grandson or granddaughter. |
great-grandfather |
the grandfather of a person's mother or father. |
great-grandmother |
the grandmother of a person's mother or father. |
great-grandparent |
a parent of one's grandmother or grandfather. |
Great Lakes |
five large, connected freshwater lakes of North America. They lie on the border between the United States and Canada; Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario. |
greatly |
very much. |
Great Sandy Desert |
a very dry area of land in northwestern Australia. |
Great Victoria Desert |
a very dry region in southwestern Australia. |
Great Wall of China |
a defensive wall in northern China which stretches for thousands of miles. Parts of the wall were built as early as the seventh century BCE. These parts were connected to each other and more parts were added on later, especially in the fourteenth through seventeenth centuries CE. Millions of tourists come to see and walk on the Great Wall every year. |
Greece |
a country in southern Europe on the Mediterranean Sea. Athens is the capital of Greece. |
greed |
a great desire for more wealth and possessions than one needs or deserves. |
greedy |
having a very strong desire for ever more money or things. [2 definitions] |