green thumb |
a special skill to make plants grow well. |
greet |
to speak to with friendly or polite words upon meeting or when starting a letter. [3 definitions] |
greeting |
words or actions used to greet others. [2 definitions] |
Grenada |
an island country in the eastern West Indies north of Trinidad and Tobago. The capital of Grenada is St. George's. |
grenade |
a small bomb that is thrown by hand or shot from a rifle after its fuse is set. |
grew |
past tense of "grow." |
grey |
another spelling of gray. |
greyhound |
a breed of dog. Greyhounds have a narrow body and head and long legs. They can run very fast. |
grid |
a frame of crossing or parallel bars; grating. [3 definitions] |
griddle |
a flat pan or flat heated surface used in cooking. |
gridiron |
a flat frame of metal bars or wires, used for cooking foods. [2 definitions] |
gridlock |
a traffic jam in which no vehicles can move in any direction because key streets are blocked by traffic. |
grief |
great sadness. |
grieve |
to feel great sadness; mourn. [2 definitions] |
grill |
a rack of metal bars used to hold foods for cooking over flames. [4 definitions] |
grim |
stern or harsh. [3 definitions] |
grimace |
a twisting of the face to show pain, disgust, or anger. [2 definitions] |
grime |
dirt clinging to or rubbed into a surface. |
grin |
to smile broadly, so that the teeth are showing. [2 definitions] |
grind |
to crush or make by crushing into very small pieces or a powder. [3 definitions] |
grindstone |
a stone wheel that is turned to sharpen knives and tools, grind grain, or sand and shape items by rubbing or scraping. |