grief |
great sadness. |
grieve |
to feel great sadness; mourn. [2 definitions] |
grill |
a rack of metal bars used to hold foods for cooking over flames. [4 definitions] |
grim |
stern or harsh. [3 definitions] |
grimace |
a twisting of the face to show pain, disgust, or anger. [2 definitions] |
grime |
dirt clinging to or rubbed into a surface. |
grin |
to smile broadly, so that the teeth are showing. [2 definitions] |
grind |
to crush or make by crushing into very small pieces or a powder. [3 definitions] |
grindstone |
a stone wheel that is turned to sharpen knives and tools, grind grain, or sand and shape items by rubbing or scraping. |
grip |
a firm grasp. [6 definitions] |
grit |
tiny rough bits of sand or stone. [3 definitions] |
grits |
ground white corn. Grits are a kind of cereal that is cooked before eating. |
grizzled |
gray or somewhat gray. |
grizzly bear |
a large bear found in the northwestern United States and western Canada. The fur of the grizzly bear can be grayish or brown. |
groan |
a deep sound made to show pain, grief, or sadness. [2 definitions] |
grocer |
a person who sells food and other supplies for household use. |
grocery |
a store where food and other household supplies are sold; grocery store. [2 definitions] |
grocery store |
a store in which food and other supplies for the household are sold. A grocery store can be a small shop in one's neighborhood or a large supermarket. |
groggy |
confused, dizzy, or feeling unable to wake up. |
groom |
a man who is about to be or has just been married. [4 definitions] |
groove |
a long narrow cut or dent in a surface. [2 definitions] |