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habit an act performed regularly; routine. [5 definitions]
habitat the natural environment of a plant or animal. [2 definitions]
habitual in accordance with habit; customary. [3 definitions]
hacienda in Spanish-speaking countries, a large estate used as a farm or ranch, or the estate owner's house.
hack1 to chop or cut up or off with repeated heavy blows. [12 definitions]
hacker a computer user who is able to penetrate carefully protected computer networks, such as those of a government. [2 definitions]
had past tense and past participle of have.
had better used to state that a certain action is strongly advised and, often, to express that if one does not do the action that is specified, there will be negative consequences (sometimes used in warnings and threats).
Hades in Greek mythology, the underworld inhabited by the dead, or the god who rules there; Pluto. [3 definitions]
hadn't contracted form of "had not."
haggard wasted, exhausted, or wild in appearance, as from hunger, deprivation, or anxiety.
haiku a Japanese verse form of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables respectively, or any poem written in this form.
hail1 to salute or greet. [7 definitions]
hail2 pellets of frozen rain or a storm of such pellets. [5 definitions]
hail from to have as one's place of origin or residence; come from.
hair any of the single, thin, thread-like strands that grow from the skin of mammals. [4 definitions]
haircut the act or process of cutting hair. [2 definitions]
hairdo the style or shape in which hair is arranged; coiffure.
hairpin a U-shaped pin with long sides, usu. of thin metal wire, used to hold, or hold something to, the hair. [2 definitions]
hairstyle a particular style of hair arrangement.
hairy covered with or having a lot of hair. [3 definitions]