haggard |
having a very tired, worried, or wasted look. |
haiku |
a Japanese verse form made of three lines, or any poem written in this form. The first line has five syllables, followed by a line of seven syllables, then another line of five. |
hail1 |
to welcome or greet. [4 definitions] |
hail2 |
round pieces of frozen rain or a storm of this frozen rain. [4 definitions] |
hail from |
to have as one's place of birth or residence; come from. |
hair |
a thin, thread-like strand that grows from the skin of humans and other mammals. [3 definitions] |
hairbrush |
a brush used for grooming and arranging one's hair. |
haircut |
the act or process of cutting hair. [2 definitions] |
hairdo |
the style or shape in which hair is arranged. |
hairpin |
a metal pin in the shape of a U, used to keep hair in place or to attach something to the hair. [2 definitions] |
hairstyle |
a particular way that a person wears their hair, or a particular way that is or was in fashion at one time. |
hairy |
covered with or having a lot of hair. |
Haiti |
a country on an island in the West Indies in the Caribbean Sea. Port-au-Prince is the capital of Haiti. Haiti shares the island with the Dominican Republic. |
half |
one of two equal parts of a whole. [5 definitions] |
half brother |
a male who is a brother through one parent only. |
halfhearted |
done with or showing little interest or enthusiasm. |
half-mast |
a point halfway down a flagpole. A flag is flown at half-mast as a sign of respect or sorrow when someone has died or, on a ship, as a signal of great need or trouble. |
half sister |
a female who is a sister through one parent only. |
half step |
an interval in music that is halfway between two notes. |
half time |
the rest period between the two halves of football and basketball games and certain other sports events. |
halfway |
to or at the middle point between two ends or conditions. [4 definitions] |