half brother |
a male who is a brother through one parent only. |
halfhearted |
done with or showing little interest or enthusiasm. |
half-mast |
a point halfway down a flagpole. A flag is flown at half-mast as a sign of respect or sorrow when someone has died or, on a ship, as a signal of great need or trouble. |
half sister |
a female who is a sister through one parent only. |
half step |
an interval in music that is halfway between two notes. |
half time |
the rest period between the two halves of football and basketball games and certain other sports events. |
halfway |
to or at the middle point between two ends or conditions. [4 definitions] |
halibut |
a flatfish that lives in the northern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Halibut are used for food. |
hall |
a narrow passageway in a building; corridor. [3 definitions] |
hallelujah |
a word used to express joy or praise to God. [2 definitions] |
Halloween |
October 31. Halloween is celebrated by children who dress up in costumes and go from house to house begging for treats or playing tricks. In the Christian calendar, Halloween is the night before All Saints' Day, a festival celebrated by some Christian churches. |
hallway |
a narrow passage in a house or building; corridor. |
halo |
a circle of light shining around the head of a god, an angel, or a saint in a picture. [2 definitions] |
halt1 |
to stop or pause. [4 definitions] |
halter1 |
a rope or set of straps that is set on the head or neck of a horse, ox, or other animal to tie or guide it. [2 definitions] |
halve |
to divide into two equal parts. |
halves |
plural of "half." |
ham1 |
the meat from the rear leg of a hog. [2 definitions] |
ham2 |
an actor who exaggerates his emotions and movements on stage. [2 definitions] |
hamburger |
ground beef, or a round, flat patty of ground beef, or the sandwich in which such meat is commonly served after it is cooked.. |
Hamlet |
the title character in one of Shakespeare's plays. Hamlet is a prince who avenges his father's death by slaying the murderer. |