halfway |
to or at the midpoint between two ends or conditions. [4 definitions] |
halibut |
any of several large, edible flatfishes found in the northern Atlantic or Pacific. |
hall |
a narrow passageway in a building; corridor. [3 definitions] |
hallelujah |
an exclamation used to express praise, as of God, or joy or gratitude. [2 definitions] |
Halloween |
October 31, the eve of All Saints' Day, which is now celebrated primarily by costumed children who go from house to house begging for treats or playing tricks. |
hallway |
a narrow passage in a house or building; corridor. [2 definitions] |
halo |
a circle of light depicted in paintings as shining around the head of a divine or sacred being. [2 definitions] |
halt1 |
to stop or pause, as in a movement or operation. [4 definitions] |
halter1 |
a rope or strap with a bitless headstall that is set on the head or neck, as of a horse or ox, to restrain or guide the animal. [5 definitions] |
halve |
to divide into two equal parts. [4 definitions] |
halves |
pl. of half. |
ham1 |
the rear quarter of a hog, esp. the thigh, or the meat of this section in fresh or smoked form. [3 definitions] |
ham2 |
an actor who calls attention to himself or herself by overacting. [3 definitions] |
hamburger |
ground beef in bulk or in a patty, or the sandwich in which such meat is commonly served. |
Hamlet |
in one of Shakespeare's tragedies, the title character, a prince who avenges his father's death by slaying the murderer, his own uncle. |
hamlet |
a small village or settlement. |
hammer |
a hand tool having a solid, heavy head set across a handle and used to pound, indent, or beat metal, nails, or the like into shape or place, or any similar device. [14 definitions] |
hammock |
a hanging, swingable lounge or bed made of canvas or other strong fabric or netting and slung between two trees or other supports. |
hamper1 |
to impede or interfere with the progress or action of. |
hamper2 |
a large receptacle, usu. a basket with a lid or cover, as for picnic supplies or dirty laundry. |
hamster |
any of several short-tailed, round-bodied Eurasian rodents that have large cheek pouches, often kept as pets or laboratory animals. |