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handsome having a pleasing, attractive, and healthy appearance. [3 definitions]
handspring a complete somersault in which a person flips forward or backward onto the hands and ends with a springing return to the standing position.
handwriting writing produced by hand, as with a pen or pencil. [2 definitions]
handy easily available or accessible. [3 definitions]
hang to suspend from a point above. [17 definitions]
hangar a shelter for aircraft.
hanger one who hangs something. [3 definitions]
hang glider a large kitelike apparatus used for sailing in the air, usu. with a harness and handle for one person.
hangnail a small, loose flap of skin at the side or base of the fingernail.
hang out (informal) to spend a lot of time at a place with no particular purpose. [6 definitions]
hang up to end a telephone call by pressing a button or putting the telephone down in the part that holds it. [4 definitions]
hanker to crave or long for something (often fol. by "for" or "after").
Hanoi the capital of Vietnam.
Hanukkah an eight-day festival beginning on the twenty-fifth day of Kislev in which, by lighting the menorah each night, Jews celebrate the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrians, the rededication of the temple at Jerusalem, and the miracle of the lamp.
haphazard not organized or based on reason or logic; without aim or purpose. [3 definitions]
happen to take place; occur. [4 definitions]
happening something that happens; event; occurrence. [2 definitions]
happily in a happy manner. [2 definitions]
happiness the state or condition of being happy. [2 definitions]
happy marked by a feeling of joy, contentment, pleasure, comfort, or the like. [4 definitions]
happy-go-lucky trusting one's well-being or success to luck; carefree.