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hard hat a strong hat made of hard plastic. It protects the heads of people who work in dangerous places such as mines or construction areas.
hardly almost not at all; barely. [2 definitions]
hardship a condition of great want, suffering, or difficulty. [2 definitions]
hardware tools and equipment used for making and fixing things. Hardware is usually made of metal. [2 definitions]
hardware store a store that sells tools and equipment made of metal, as well as other types of tools, paints, cleaners, and various household items.
hardwood any of several types of trees with strong, hard wood and broad leaves. Oak, cherry, and mahogany are all hardwoods. [2 definitions]
hardy able to stand hardship; tough; brave. [2 definitions]
hare a small mammal with long ears. Hares are large rabbits with very strong back legs used for jumping. Various kinds of hares live in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and Central America.
harm injury or hurt. [3 definitions]
harmful causing or likely to cause harm; dangerous.
harmonica a small wind instrument in the shape of a rectangle. It is held in the hands and played by blowing and inhaling air over a set of metal reeds; mouth organ.
harmony being in agreement; unity. [3 definitions]
harness a set of straps by which a work animal is attached to a cart, carriage, or plow. The harness is used to control and guide the animal. [4 definitions]
harp a large musical instrument with an upright triangular frame. Harps have forty-six strings and are played by plucking the strings with the fingers.
harpoon a weapon that is like a spear with a barbed head and a rope at the tail end. Harpoons are used in hunting whales and large fish. [2 definitions]
harpsichord a musical instrument with one or two keyboards. It is like a piano except that its strings are plucked when the keys are pressed.
harrow a farm tool used to break up and level ground that has been plowed. A harrow has spikes or upright disks mounted on a heavy frame. [3 definitions]
harsh rough or not pleasing to the eyes, ears, or other senses. [3 definitions]
harvest the gathering of ripe crops, the crops or the amount of crops gathered, or the season in which they are gathered. [3 definitions]
harvester one who gathers ripe crops. [2 definitions]
has the present tense of "have," used with "he," "she," or "it," or with singular nouns.