headdress |
an often elaborate covering or decoration for the head. |
headfirst |
with the head in front of the body. [2 definitions] |
heading |
a word, phrase, or the like at the top or front of a piece of writing; title; caption. [3 definitions] |
headland |
a prominent and usu. high piece of land that projects into a body of water; promontory. |
headlight |
a powerful light mounted on the front of a vehicle. |
headline |
the title to a newspaper article or piece, esp. the largest or most prominent title. [4 definitions] |
headlong |
with the head leading or foremost. [4 definitions] |
head off |
to interfere with the progress of; intercept. |
head-on |
frontally opposed or facing, or meeting head-to-head or front-to-front, as in a conflict or collision. [3 definitions] |
headphone |
(usu. pl.) a sound receiver, as for a radio or stereo system, that is held over one or both ears by a flexible band; earphones; headset. |
headquarters |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) the primary center of administration of any organization. [2 definitions] |
headrest |
a rest or support for the head, as on a chair or a seat in a motor vehicle. |
head start |
an advantage, such as an early start, in a race or any other activity. |
headstone |
a memorial stone, usu. engraved, set at the head of a person's grave; gravestone. |
headstrong |
insistent on having one's own way; willful; stubborn. [2 definitions] |
headwaters |
the streams in which a river originates. |
headway1 |
progress in a forward direction. [2 definitions] |
heal |
to make whole or healthy; cure. [4 definitions] |
health |
one's general mental and physical condition. [3 definitions] |
health care |
the activity or field of maintaining health, including the prevention and treatment of disease and injury. [2 definitions] |
health food |
food believed to be esp. good for one's health, such as food that is organically grown and contains no chemical additives. |