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head off to stop or interfere with the progress of; intercept.
head-on meeting with the front part or head first. [2 definitions]
headphone (usually plural) a sound receiver for a radio or stereo system that is held over one or both ears by a band; earphones.
headquarters (used with a singular or plural verb) the main office of any organization. [2 definitions]
headrest a rest or support for the head. Many chairs or seats in motor vehicles have headrests.
head start an early start in a race, or an advantage in any other activity.
headstone a stone set at the head of a person's grave; tombstone. Headstones honor that person's memory and usually have writing carved into them.
headstrong determined to have one's own way; stubborn; willful.
headwaters the streams that form the beginning of a river.
headway1 forward movement; progress. [2 definitions]
heal to make whole or healthy again; cure. [2 definitions]
health the condition of one's body or mind. [2 definitions]
health care the activity or field of maintaining health, including the prevention and treatment of disease and injury. [2 definitions]
health food food believed to be good for one's health. Health food is grown without chemicals and contains no additional substances.
healthful good for the health.
healthy being free from sickness; well; fit. [3 definitions]
heap many things lying on top of each other; pile. [5 definitions]
hear to receive sound with the ears. [5 definitions]
heard past tense and past participle of "hear."
hearing the ability to hear or sense sound. [4 definitions]
hearing aid a small electronic device that makes sound louder and is worn to make poor hearing better.