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hearty warm-hearted and sincere; friendly. [6 definitions]
heat the form of energy that one feels as warmth, or the state of being warm; warmth; hotness. [13 definitions]
heater a device that heats or provides heat, esp. for a water supply or air space in a building. [2 definitions]
heath an area of wild, relatively flat, uncultivated land tending to favor only the growth of low, shrubby plants. [2 definitions]
heathen someone who is regarded as being outside a given religious orthodoxy, esp. one not converted to Christianity, Judaism, or Islam; unconverted person. [5 definitions]
heather any of several common low, shrubby, evergreen plants bearing clusters of tiny, pinkish purple, bell-shaped flowers.
heave to push (something or someone) up or out with great effort. [11 definitions]
heaven (often cap.) in some religions, the abode of God, where the souls of the good and faithful will dwell after death. [5 definitions]
heavenly of or pertaining to heaven or the heavens. [2 definitions]
heavily with or as if with a heavy weight. [4 definitions]
heavy having much weight. [10 definitions]
Hebrew a member of the group of Semitic people who trace descent from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Israelite; Jew. [3 definitions]
heckle to interrupt (someone) during a public speech or performance with intentionally annoying or provocative remarks or questions.
hectare a unit of area equal to 10,000 square meters or 2.471 acres, used in measuring land.
hectic marked by excited activity or rapid, confusing movements; feverishly busy. [2 definitions]
he'd contracted form of "he had," or contracted form of "he would."
hedge a solid row of bushes, often used to mark a boundary. [5 definitions]
hedgehog any one of several small, insect-eating mammals having spiny hairs or quills on the back and sides that protect the animal, esp. when it rolls itself into a ball. [2 definitions]
heed to give one's attention to; take notice of. [3 definitions]
heel1 the round, rear part of the human foot, or the corresponding part in animals. [9 definitions]
heifer a cow less than three years old, esp. one that has not had a calf.