helicopter |
a type of aircraft that is held in the air and moved along by spinning blades attached to its top side. |
helium |
a gas that is one of the chemical elements. It is used to fill balloons and blimps because it is lighter than air. (symbol: He) |
hell |
the place where evil spirits live and where wicked people are punished after death, according to the Bible. [2 definitions] |
he'll |
shortened form of "he will." |
hello |
a word used as a greeting, statement of surprise, or call for attention. [2 definitions] |
helm |
a wheel or lever used for steering a ship. |
helmet |
a hard covering worn to protect the head. |
help |
to aid or assist. [8 definitions] |
helper |
an assistant in some task or activity. |
helpful |
giving help or aid. |
helping |
a normal amount of food served to a person at one meal. |
helping verb |
another name for auxiliary verb. |
helpless |
unable to take care of oneself. [2 definitions] |
Helsinki |
the capital city of Finland. Helsinki is a seaport city. |
hem1 |
to fold and sew down the edge of. [2 definitions] |
hemisphere |
either of two halves of the earth. A hemisphere is formed by dividing the earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at the equator, or into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres at a meridian. [2 definitions] |
hemlock |
an evergreen tree of North America that has short needles and small cones, or the wood of this tree. [2 definitions] |
hemp |
a tall plant first found in Asia. Hemp is an important source of fiber for rope and coarse cloth. [2 definitions] |
hen |
an adult female chicken or the female of other closely related birds, such as turkeys, pheasants, and peacocks. |
hence |
from this moment; from now. [2 definitions] |
her |
the female person or animal already talked about (a form of "she" used as an object of a verb or preposition.) [2 definitions] |