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hopper someone or something that hops. [5 definitions]
hopscotch a children's game in which players toss a small stone or other object onto a pattern of numbered squares drawn on the ground or pavement, and then hop or jump from one square to another, picking up the stone in the process.
horde a large number, group, or crowd; throng; multitude. [3 definitions]
horizon the juncture of the earth and the sky as perceived by the observer. [2 definitions]
horizontal parallel to the horizon or to the earth; ninety degrees from vertical.
hormone any of various substances secreted by the cells of the body that circulate in the bloodstream and produce specific, usu. stimulating effects in certain receptive organs or tissues. [2 definitions]
horn the hard, bony, hollow growths that extend, usu. in a pair, from the head of certain mammals such as cows and deer. [6 definitions]
horned lizard see "horned toad."
horned toad any of several insect-eating lizards of western North America and Mexico, having spiny scales covering the body and hornlike spines on the head.
hornet any of several large stinging insects that live in colonies and build large, round, papery nests; wasp.
horny having horns or hornlike projections. [3 definitions]
horrible causing or tending to cause a feeling of horror; dreadful. [2 definitions]
horrid causing or tending to cause horror; dreadful; hideous. [2 definitions]
horrify to cause feelings of horror in; frighten, shock, or appall.
horror an overpowering and painful feeling of fear, shock, dread, or revulsion. [5 definitions]
horse a large, four-legged mammal, having short hair, hoofs, a mane, and a long tail, domesticated and used for riding and heavy work. [9 definitions]
horse around (informal) to engage in frivolous or boisterous play.
horseback the back of a horse. [2 definitions]
horsefly any of numerous large, bloodsucking flies that typically collect around horses, cows, and the like.
horseman a man who rides on a horse. [3 definitions]
horseplay rough, rowdy, or noisy play.