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House of Commons the elective lower legislative house of the British and Canadian parliaments.
House of Lords the upper, nonelective legislative house of the British parliament, made up of the nobility and high-ranking clergy.
House of Representatives the lower legislative house in many bicameral governing bodies, as in the U.S. Congress, most U.S. states, and many nations, such as Australia and New Zealand.
houseplant a plant grown indoors, esp. as decoration.
housewife a married woman whose primary occupation is managing the cooking, cleaning, and other necessary duties of her family's household.
housework the tasks of housekeeping, particularly cleaning and caring for items inside the house.
housing a shelter or dwelling; lodging. [4 definitions]
hovel a small, uncomfortable, often dirty dwelling. [2 definitions]
hover to stay suspended in the air, often by rapid fluttering, spinning, or the like. [4 definitions]
how by what manner or means. [10 definitions]
how about what is your desire about having or doing.
how come (informal) why is it that.
how'd (informal) contracted form of "how did," or contracted form of "how would."
howdy hello; how are you (an expression of greeting).
however in spite of that; yet; but (used to point out the contrast between or opposition of ideas in a sentence or between adjacent sentences). [5 definitions]
howl to utter or make a long, loud, mournful sound like that of a wolf or dog. [8 definitions]
hr. abbreviation of "hour" or "hours," a unit of time equal to sixty minutes.
ht. abbreviation of "height."
html abbreviation of "hypertext markup language," a computer language used to create documents on the World Wide Web.
Huang He River a major river originating in the mountains of western China and flowing mostly eastward toward the Bohai Sea; Yellow River.
hub the rotating center part of a wheel or similar device to which other parts, such as spokes, are connected. [2 definitions]