Huron |
Lake Huron, one of the Great Lakes, northeast of the state of Michigan. [3 definitions] |
hurrah |
used as an exclamation of joy, approval, triumph, encouragement, or the like. [4 definitions] |
hurricane |
a powerful cyclonic storm that originates in the West Indian region of the Atlantic Ocean or in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean near Mexico and Central America. A hurricane is characterized by heavy rains along with winds exceeding 73 miles, or 119 kilometers, per hour. |
hurried |
moving or acting quickly; forced to hurry. [2 definitions] |
hurry |
to move or act with speed; hasten (sometimes fol. by "up"). [4 definitions] |
hurt |
to cause physical damage, pain, or impairment to. [8 definitions] |
hurtle |
to speed violently and often noisily. [2 definitions] |
husband |
a man who is married; a male spouse. [2 definitions] |
hush |
used as a request or command to be quiet (sometimes fol. by "up"). [6 definitions] |
husk |
a usu. dry outer covering of some seeds and fruits, esp. of an ear of corn. [3 definitions] |
husky1 |
big and strong; muscular. [3 definitions] |
husky2 |
(often cap.) a dog of a strong, thick-furred breed developed to pull sleds in arctic regions. |
hustle |
to work or go swiftly or vigorously. [10 definitions] |
hut |
a small dwelling or shelter, often made of grass, mud, logs, and the like. [2 definitions] |
hutch |
a pen or shelter, esp. for a small animal such as a rabbit. [4 definitions] |
hyacinth |
any of various plants related to the lily that sprout from bulbs and bear spikes of fragrant, variously colored blossoms. [3 definitions] |
hybrid |
the offspring of two plants or animals that differ genetically as to species, variety, breed, or the like. [6 definitions] |
hydrant |
an upright pipe with a valve from which water can be drawn from a water main. |
hydroelectric |
of or concerning the generation of electricity by means of the energy produced by moving water. |
hydrogen |
a chemical element that contains one proton in each nucleus and that occurs naturally in many compounds such as water, acids, petroleum hydrocarbons, and carbohydrates, and in pure form as a highly flammable, lighter-than-air gas used in many industrial applications, such as the hydrogenation of fats and oils. (symbol: H) (Cf. deuterium, protium, tritium.) |
hydrogen bomb |
an extremely powerful bomb whose destructive energy comes from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei under intense heat and pressure, forming helium nuclei. |