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ice water in a frozen, solid state. [6 definitions]
ice age a long period of time when glaciers covered large parts of the earth.
iceberg a large floating mass of ice that has broken from a glacier.
icebox a refrigerator. [2 definitions]
icebreaker a ship that can break a passage through thick ice. [2 definitions]
ice cap a large, thick sheet of ice that spreads out over the land in all directions from the center.
ice cream a rich, sweet, frozen food made by mixing cream and milk products. Ice cream is made in many different flavors.
ice hockey a sport played on ice by two teams. In ice hockey, each person wears skates and plays with a long stick. Using the stick, players hit a flat disc called a puck and try to get it into the other team's goal, often by passing it from one team member to another across the ice.
Iceland an island country in northern Europe. Iceland is in the North Atlantic. Reykjavik is the capital of Iceland.
ice-skate to skate on ice.
ice skate a short boot with a sharp blade attached to the bottom, used for skating on ice.
ice-skating the activity or sport of moving or dancing over ice wearing ice-skates.
icicle a spike of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water.
icing a sweet substance used for covering or decorating cakes, cookies, or other baked goods; frosting.
icon on a phone or computer display, a small drawing that is used as a symbol. Clicking on the symbol requests a certain action from the computer, such as opening a file, taking a user to a location, or playing an audio. [3 definitions]
iconic being a clear symbol or representative of something and generally regarded with high esteem. [2 definitions]
icy made of, covered with, or looking like ice. [3 definitions]
ID1 abbreviation of "Idaho." [2 definitions]
I'd shortened form of "I would" or "I had."
Idaho a state in the northwestern United States. Its capital is Boise. (abbreviated: ID)
idea any thought, belief, picture, or image that is formed in the mind. [4 definitions]