illuminate |
to light up; make bright with light. [4 definitions] |
illusion |
a fantasy or mistaken idea. [2 definitions] |
illustrate |
to explain or make clear by giving examples. [2 definitions] |
illustration |
a picture or drawing used to explain or decorate a book or other written material. [2 definitions] |
illustrator |
an artist who makes illustrations for books or other written works. |
ill will |
unfriendly feelings; dislike. |
I'm |
shortened form of "I am." |
im-1 |
a prefix that means "in," "into," or "on." It is used before words beginning with the letters P, B, or M. |
im-2 |
a prefix that means "not" or "without." It is used before words that begin with the letters P, B, or M. |
image |
a picture or some other likeness of a person or thing. [4 definitions] |
imagery |
images that are created in the mind while reading or looking at art. |
imaginary |
existing only in the imagination. |
imagination |
the act or power of the mind to form a thought, picture, or image of something or someone that is not present to the senses. |
imaginative |
having or showing an active or good imagination. |
imagine |
to form in the mind a thought, picture, or image of. [2 definitions] |
imitate |
to copy the actions of; try to be like. [2 definitions] |
imitation |
the act of imitating or copying. [3 definitions] |
immaculate |
not dirty; completely clean. |
immature |
not completely grown or developed; not mature. [2 definitions] |
immeasurable |
impossible to measure; very great. |
immediate |
happening right away; instant. [3 definitions] |