illustrator |
an artist who produces illustrations, as for books or advertisements. |
ill will |
hostility or spite. |
I'm |
contracted form of "I am." |
im-1 |
in; into; on. [2 definitions] |
im-2 |
not; without. |
image |
a visual representation of something such as can be seen in a photograph, sculpture, or painting. [10 definitions] |
imagery |
images, esp. figurative ones, in art or writing. [3 definitions] |
imaginary |
existing only in the imagination. |
imagination |
the capacity of the mind to create, as by forming images of what does not literally exist. |
imaginative |
having or showing an active or creative imagination. [3 definitions] |
imagine |
to create mental images of (something not known, not real, or not yet real). [3 definitions] |
imitate |
to follow the manner or pattern of; attempt to resemble; mimic. [2 definitions] |
imitation |
the act or an instance of imitating. [4 definitions] |
immaculate |
free from any dirt or stain; completely clean. [3 definitions] |
immature |
not yet fully developed or mature; juvenile. [2 definitions] |
immeasurable |
impossible to measure; without limit. |
immediate |
happening without delay; instant. [4 definitions] |
immediately |
without delay; promptly. [3 definitions] |
immense |
extremely large or vast. [3 definitions] |
immerse |
to put deeply into or cover with liquid; submerge. [3 definitions] |
immigrant |
one who moves permanently to another country from his or her native land. (See "migrant.") [2 definitions] |