imitate |
to copy the actions of; try to be like. [2 definitions] |
imitation |
the act of imitating or copying. [3 definitions] |
immaculate |
not dirty; completely clean. |
immature |
not completely grown or developed; not mature. [2 definitions] |
immeasurable |
impossible to measure; very great. |
immediate |
happening right away; instant. [3 definitions] |
immediately |
right away; at once. |
immense |
very large; huge. |
immerse |
to almost cover or cover completely with liquid. [2 definitions] |
immigrant |
a person who moves permanently to another country from his or her native land. |
immigrate |
to come to live permanently in a country where one was not born. |
immigration |
the act of coming to live permanently in a new country. |
imminent |
about to happen or likely to happen soon. |
immoral |
bad; evil; not moral. |
immortal |
never dying; living forever. [2 definitions] |
immune |
protected from a disease, either naturally or by getting a vaccine. [2 definitions] |
immunity |
the condition of being able to resist a disease. |
immunize |
to make immune. |
impact |
the force of two objects hitting or crashing into each other. [3 definitions] |
impair |
to lessen the strength or ability of; damage. |
impala |
an African antelope with long legs and reddish brown fur. Male impalas have long, curved horns. Impalas can jump up to ten feet in the air, higher than any other kind of antelope. |