importer |
a person or business that brings items in from another country so that they may be sold as merchandise. |
impose |
to set as something that needs to be followed, done, or obeyed. |
impose on |
to make demands of without being invited or at a bad time. |
impose upon |
to make demands of without being invited or at a bad time. |
impossible |
not able to happen, or be done; not possible. [2 definitions] |
impostor |
a person who cheats or tricks others by pretending to be another person. |
impractical |
not useful or wise to do; not practical. [2 definitions] |
impress1 |
to make a strong impact on (someone), especially a positive impact. |
impressed |
having a strong, lasting, or positive feeling about someone or something as a response to having met or encountered that person or thing. |
impression |
a strong feeling, idea, or opinion that comes from experience with something. [3 definitions] |
impressive |
having a lasting effect on the mind or feelings; making a strong impression. |
imprint |
a mark or design made by pressing or printing on a surface. [4 definitions] |
imprison |
to put or keep in a prison. |
improper |
not correct. [2 definitions] |
improper fraction |
a fraction in which the denominator is smaller than the numerator. |
improve |
to make better. [2 definitions] |
improved |
made better; of a higher quality. |
improvement |
the act of improving or the condition of being improved. [2 definitions] |
improvise |
to make up while one is performing; perform without planning or practice. [2 definitions] |
impudent |
not showing respect; bold and rude. |
impulse |
a sudden wish or desire that makes a person want to do something. [2 definitions] |