incite |
to bring about, especially by angering or upsetting. [2 definitions] |
inclination |
a natural tendency towards. [3 definitions] |
incline |
to slope or slant. [3 definitions] |
inclined |
having a tendency toward or preference for a particular behavior, action, or way of thinking or feeling. |
inclose |
another spelling of enclose. |
include |
to have or contain as a part. [2 definitions] |
incoherent |
not logical or clear; hard to understand. |
in cold blood |
with a definite intention to harm. |
income |
the money received for work or from property that is owned. |
income tax |
a tax on the income of a person or business. |
in common |
owned or used together; shared. |
incompatible |
not able to be together in a peaceful or happy way. [2 definitions] |
incompetent |
without the skills or knowledge needed to do something well. |
incomplete |
not complete; not finished. |
incomprehensible |
impossible to understand. |
inconceivable |
impossible to imagine, understand, or think about. |
inconclusive |
not proving something completely. [2 definitions] |
inconsiderate |
not thinking of other people's feelings; thoughtless or rude. |
inconspicuous |
not likely to be seen or noticed. |
inconvenience |
the quality of causing bother or making things difficult. [3 definitions] |
inconvenient |
causing trouble or extra effort; not convenient. |