indicate |
to show or point out. [3 definitions] |
indication |
anything that indicates, such as a sign. |
indict |
to formally accuse (someone) of a crime in a court of law after studying evidence. |
Indies |
see "East Indies," "West Indies." [2 definitions] |
indifferent |
without interest or concern; not caring. |
indigenous |
being the people or animals that originally lived and may continue to live in a particular country or region. [2 definitions] |
indigestion |
difficulty in digesting food. [2 definitions] |
indignant |
feeling or showing anger about something considered to be unfair or without value. |
indigo |
a dark blue dye that comes from plants or is made by people. [3 definitions] |
indirect |
not in a straight line, course, or route. [3 definitions] |
indirect object |
the part of a sentence that indicates a person or thing that is indirectly affected by the action of the verb. In the sentence, "I made him some tea," "him" is the indirect object. |
indispensable |
absolutely necessary; essential. |
individual |
single, separate, or distinct. [5 definitions] |
individuality |
the qualities and characteristics of a person that make them different from all others. |
individually |
one by one; one at a time. [2 definitions] |
indivisible |
not able to be divided or separated. |
Indonesia |
a country in southeastern Asia made up of a group of islands stretching from the Indian Ocean into the Pacific Ocean. Nusantara is the capital of Indonesia. The capital city was formerly Jakarta. |
Indonesian |
of or having to do with Indonesia or its people, culture, languages, or the like. [3 definitions] |
indoor |
located or happening inside a house or building. |
indoors |
in or into a building. |
indorse |
another spelling of endorse |